Our Policies
Thank you so much for choosing N-STEP Dance Center as the dance education center for your child! With so many options to choose from, we are grateful that you have elected our staff to be the ones to provide a quality experience that your child can build on for years to come. Here at
N-STEP we share a philosophy that each child is special and should be treated with love and respect. Many of these children (and their parents!) go on to form lifetime friendships because of the positive environment that we provide the children to grow in. Below you will find some information about N-STEP that has been compiled to help you familiarize yourself with our facilities and policies.
Based on your child’s age and ability level, they will be placed into the appropriate class. Although age is a consideration, understand that all children learn at different paces so we make decisions on placement based on their ABILITY. The placement is done to maximize your child’s learning experience as well as build upon their individual skills. In order for your child to advance to the next level, they will need to demonstrate the ability to perform the curriculum at their existing level.
PLEASE respect the recommendations of the teachers as we will make an unbiased decision as to what level is best for your child’s success & confidence. We reserve the right to move your child up or down a level through the course of the 1st half of the year, based on the progression of their ability level. If your child was to change levels, it would be done by the beginning of January. There will be NO changes in classes after January 31st
We have implemented a dress code for several reasons. First and most importantly so that the dancer will be able to move & dance without restriction or distraction. The Dress Code will be strictly enforced. If your child is not in the Dress Code, you will be notified & it will be expected that they will in Dress Code for their next class. Older dancers will be given 1 warning, and if they do not respect the Dress Code that has been implemented, they will be asked to leave the classroom until they have outfitted themselves in the correct attire. This is not to punish the child but to enforce uniformity among the students and show respect for the art.
Hair is to be pulled back and off of face (including bangs) for all classes; neat bun (please utilize hair net, hairpins and/or bobby pins) for all Ballet classes as well as Tippy Toes, Predance & Kindercombo classes. No underwear allowed under leotard for any class. No T-Shirts, Tank Tops, Sweatpants or street clothes allowed for ANY class or competition rehearsal (with the exception of Hip Hop).
Tiny Tots Girls:
Pink Leather Full Sole Ballet Shoes, any color Leotard & ballet pink tights.
Skirts MUST be attached to leotard.
Boys: Black Ballet or Black Jazz Shoes
Predance & Kindercombo Girls:
Pink Leather Full Sole Ballet Shoes, Caramel buckle tap shoe,
any color Leotard & ballet pink tights.
Boys: Black Leather Jazz Shoe & Black Leather oxford tap shoe.
Jazz & Musical Theater:
Students must wear a leotard of any color, with caramel tights or shorts along
with caramel slip-on jazz shoes
Students must wear a leotard of any color, with caramel tights, shorts or leggings
along with Black Tie Oxford style Tap Shoe
Lyrical / Contemporary:
Students must wear a leotard of any color, with caramel tights or shorts.
They may come with barefoot or 1/2 sole with straps (BodyWrappers Twyla in canvas)
Students must wear a leotard of any color, ballet Pink tights, canvas split sole ballet shoes &
optional Ballet skirt. Ballet sweaters are the only “warm up” clothing that will be allowed.
Boys: Black dance pants with a solid color, V neck t-shirt along with
black canvas split sole ballet shoe.
Hip Hop:
Students should wear loose clothing. PLEASE have a dedicated shoe for dance only.
No street shoes are allowed.
Students must wear comfortable form-fitting clothing.
Competition Rehearsal:
Students must wear black leotards along with tights, or dance short
and the appropriate shoes depending on the dance style.
Due the 1st of every month. You may pay by check, cash, or set up an automatic payment online via Debit Card, MasterCard, Visa, AMEX or Discover Card!
Failure to pay tuition by the 7th of the month will result in an automatic $25 or 20% of your monthly tuition (whichever is greater) late fee. Any payments resulting in NSF (non-sufficient funds), declined credit card, expired credit card, returned check, etc., will incur a $25 Service Charge. It is your responsibility to update your information with the studio if it changes. If you owe more than 2 months of tuition, your child will not be allowed to participate in class, rehearsals, or performances until payment arrangements have been made. This policy is not set forth to punish the child but to ensure the payment of services that have been rendered.
All monies paid are non-refundable. If at any point you terminate enrollment at N-Step Dance Center, you need to submit a written notice 30 days before cancellation. You are responsible for tuition up to the last day of enrollment. If you do not submit a 30-day notice you are still responsible for tuition until one is given and/or the 30 days is up. After April 1st we will not accept any 30 notices for withdrawal from classes. In order for our studio to attract and retain a professional and committed teaching staff, our teachers need students who are committed to lessons through the end of the school year. By withdrawing a dancer so late into the season it causes the teacher to have to re-choreograph the routine for the recital & the remaining dancers to have to relearn their routine.
It is important for your child to have good attendance. Each class is a building block for the next and in order for your child to get the most out of their dance education, it is important to arrive on time and have minimal absences. When your child is absent it affects the rest of the class. Formations are affected and your child has to “catch up” on skills that were missed the week before. Please be sure to plan all other activities accordingly to minimize conflicts. It is important to be in class when choreography for the Holiday and Recital performances is being taught so that your child will be as prepared and confident as possible. If the dancer misses more than 3 classes in a bimonthly period or more than 5 classes per year, performance opportunities and levels will/may be jeopardized.
You would not be happy if your child caught a virus from a sick child at the studio so we ask that you have the same mindfulness when it comes to bringing your child that might be sick.
If your child is ill, please call the studio so that we can let the teacher know not to expect your child in class. Please do not send your child to the studio if they have a temperature or have thrown up. Much like school policies, your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to class. IF YOUR CHILD DID NOT ATTEND SCHOOL DUE TO ILLNESS, PLEASE DO NOT SEND THEM TO THE STUDIO! If your child is at the studio and we determine that they have a fever or not feeling well we will call you to come and pick them up so they do not infect other students. You are always welcome to make-up any missed class at your convenience.
If your child is ill and will not be in class, please call the studio and leave a message no later than 2 pm. This allows time for the teacher to alter any class plans if need be. If you know in advance of an absence, please let the Teacher know so they can plan accordingly.
If the studio is closed due to inclement weather, cancelations will be posted on the studio website, the Parent Portal, Facebook, and on the voicemail by 8 am for morning classes and 2:00 pm for afternoon classes. Please feel free to make up any classes canceled due to snow. No refunds will be given for snow cancelations.
"Costumes" for classes will be determined by the teacher. An example would be holiday themed clothing or requirements such as winter gloves, scarfs, etc. Costume prices for the year-end recital are based upon the Level class that your child is in.
Tiny Tots:
Students will perform in 1 dance in the Recital & pay $75 per costume,
which will include the required tights.
Predance and Kindercombo:
Students will perform in 2 dances in the Recital. We will be ordering a “combo” costume
& the fee is $110., which will include the required tights.
All Level 1+ Ballet Classes:
There will be a flat rate of $95 per Ballet classes for costumes including tights and all other classes have a costume fee of $85 per class unless otherwise noted.
Costume Payment is due in full by January 14th
Recital fee
a 40.00 recital fee will be due March 30th .
Fee will include a digital download of the recital video and 1 ticket to the show
N-STEP Dance Center reserves the right to refuse business to anyone. The studio reserves the right to cancel the enrollment of a child for the following reasons, but not limited to:
Non-payment or excessive late payment of fees.
Not observing the rules and/or policies of the studio.
Physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or children, by a parent or child.
Parents/Guardians recognize that N-Step Dance Center classes operate in the safest manner by teachers and assistants. They agree that their child/children are in good physical condition to participate in dance and fitness classes at NSDC. Parent/Guardian will not enter the dance class unless they are invited in by the teacher. Parent/Guardian will not interrupt any class while it is in progress. Disruption to any class is unfair to the teacher and dancers. Instead, parents/guardians will approach the office staff to set any appointments with the Staff of NSDC.
Parents/Guardians will disclose all medical information, allergies and, or injuries for their child/children on the Registration Form & provide updates when necessary. If a child is unable to dance due to illness or injury, Parent/Guardian will inform the office staff who will then forward the message to the appropriate teacher and record it in the studio files.
Parents/Guardians are expected to respect all NSDC staff. Parent/Guardian will not exhibit a negative attitude or an action that is intended to provoke hostility. Parents/Guardians understand and accept the consequences of their own actions, behaviors, and choices.
Parents/Guardians must monitor younger siblings while at the studio to ensure that they do not run around the hall, interrupt classes, play in the bathroom, leave toys out, injure themselves or other dancers, or cause additional mess. Parents/Guardians accept full responsibility for the damages created by unsupervised children. Parents/Guardians understand that it is their responsibility to look through and find any items in the Lost and Found.
All dancers are expected to attend classes regularly. Dancers who miss classes are encouraged to attend makeup classes. All dancers are expected to be punctual. Warm-up is conducted at the start of every class and it is imperative that all dancers participate in the warm-up to ensure that their body is ready for physical activity. If a dancer misses warm-up, it could lead to an unnecessary injury, so please make every effort to arrive on time. All dancers observing a class while it is in progress, whether out of interest or due to sickness or injury, are expected to be quiet and courteous to the dancers, dance teachers, and assistants.
All dancers are expected to demonstrate respect for all NSDC staff and will not challenge authority with inappropriate behavior such as talking back, disobeying the teachers or assistants, giving an attitude, or acting disrespectfully in a way that is intended to provoke hostility. All dancers will be friendly, warm and welcoming to the other dancers at the studio and in their classes. At NSDC we encourage dancers to establish new friendships with the dancers in their classes and we enforce teamwork and fairness.
All dancers understand that NSDC requires them to adhere to the Dress Code, outlined in your registration package. Dancers that do not adhere to the dress code will not participate in the class. All dancers will attend every class and participate to the best of their ability and put forth 100% effort, energy, and smiles. All dancers are expected to focus and pay attention to the dance teacher's instructions and therefore limit the amount of talking during class time. Our goal is to minimize the talking and maximize the dancing!
​​All dancers must treat the studios, the premises and the possessions of all other dancers with respect, care, and consideration. All dancers are expected to clean up after themselves and any mess that they create while at the studio. All dancers will store their belongings neatly in their cubby at the studio and will respect the belongings of others.
Please try to remind your child to try to go to the bathroom before class begins. Experience says that once one child has to go, they all have to go! Please do not use your cell phone in the lobby. For the comfort of others and so that you & the other parents can enjoy watching the children dance, we kindly ask that you take any lengthy phone calls in the hall.
Enjoy your children and the experience that you have allowed them to have. As a parent myself, I know that sometimes we can get caught up in what “all the other kids” are doing, who is taking what class, etc. Ultimately, what the kids care about is that they get to see their friends each week, that they have fun in class while learning new things, and that they get to perform onstage! Sometimes it is just that simple! And you need to enjoy it while you can. All too soon it will be your child up on stage being announced as the graduating Senior and you will be wishing that you could whisk her back to the days of fixing her ballet bun or tying his tap shoes.
Again, thank you for choosing N-STEP Dance Center. We look forward to working with you and your child. Let’s make it a great year and know that my door (email, cell phone, etc!) is always open to your comments or questions. And remember, if you want to dance, dance N-STEP!
Miss Albertine
Owner/Executive Director